Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Shiny Happy People

Ever approach your child and pause, because you just don’t know where to start? Your child is covered with some gross substance, and has managed to spread the goods all over the crib, wall, bedding, etcetera, etcetera. Have you caught yourself surveying the room, and actually entertaining the thought to turn around, and walk back through the door?

Well, it must have been my turn cause during naptime today little Avery managed to grab the petroleum jelly off of the changing table, and smeared the entire container on herself, and her surroundings. I found her very distressed and very shiny.

This stunt earned a call to her father, where I dutifully reminded him that “your life is so much better than mine. You’re not going to believe what she did this time.” Poison control indicated that she’d be fine (if she had ingested some she’d be coughing, and gagging).

Avery’s now sporting a slick back hairstyle, and hanging out in her pack n’ play in her room. Before I laid her down she pointed to her crib, and said, “naughty.” Yep, pretty naughty.

Take my advice: throw away your petroleum jelly. I can’t remember ever using this stuff with Avery. Believe me – the clean up is a bear.

Shirley Temple Likes Candy

I had another re-assuring doctor’s appointment this morning. The baby’s heartbeat was 152, and loud and clear. I’ll go back in a couple weeks, followed by an ultrasound appointment on July 23. Avery accompanied me to this appointment, and enjoyed performing for the waiting room. It is funny to hear what people say: “She’s so tall. How old is she?” “She’s got flair, sort of like in a Shirley Temple kind of way!” And my favorite, “I can’t believe you’re giving her candy. That’s so bad for her!” Of course, I’m trying my best to be polite, and told her to SHUT UP! Just kidding……that would have been funny though. Instead, I gave her my best SHUT UP look (and that did the trick).

The “nesting” sense is kicking in strong. We’ve started the before-the-baby-comes lists. The list is growing, and growing. Right now we’re making plans for Avery’s big girl room. I’m seeing some pink paint in Dan’s future. He might gripe about it, but he’ll do anything for Avery.

Among the items on this list is finding a new home for our cats. There’s been some love-loss over the last couple of years, and we’re feeling that it is time to part ways. If anyone is interested, please let me know. I’ll be happy to play “let’s make a deal” with you (and we’re feeling pretty generous!).

As for Avery, she’s still dancing through life. Lately, I’ve caught her in the corner “reading” a book. Her new favorites are anything by Dr. Seuss. "Dan I am" knows Green Eggs and Ham by heart. We’ll be thrilled if her love for books continues.

Enjoy your week!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

A Cornhusker at Heart

Avery and I made Dan steak and sweet corn for Father’s Day. Avery grabbed an ear of sweet corn, and, to our surprise, started munching on it. And, she didn’t do
too bad; she actually got kernels!

Beyond Father’s Day, Dan instituted a new holiday: “Happy Birthing Day” – a mother’s tribute on the day she birthed her child (and for those of you that have given birth or witnessed birth, shouldn’t every day be “Happy Birthing Day?”). For “Birthing Day,” Dan cleaned up the house, which earned him some major brownie points. And, for a guy who is doing life with a hormonal pregnant woman, he can use all the points he can get. If you cross paths with him he might look a little rough around the edges, so have a little mercy on him.

Otherwise, we’re enjoying a little of a
“sweet spot” with Avery. She’s becoming more and more fun, and communication is growing in leaps and bounds every day. Don’t get me wrong --- she’s still our spirited little lady, and can throw down like no other. But, she’s a fun, happy kid, and we’re grateful that she’s got passion. Yes, we’re raising a passionate, class clown. I can already see the future parent-teacher conferences: Dan and I sheepishly walking in the room, toting Godiva chocolates and a bouquet of flowers. We might need to bring Ranger Ray along to help keep the teacher in line ;) (That is, if Ray can figure out what a blog is and picks up this SOS!)

Well, Dan’s walking out the door, and Avery and I will say our goodbyes. Since Avery is a mimic, and likes to imitate what we do, I give Dan a quick kiss goodbye, and then Avery does the same. It’s incredibly cute, and warms Dan’s heart. And speaking of warm, I hope this finds you somewhere cool – the heat and humidity here are brutal.
Have a great day!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Happy Birthday Avery!

Today marked the start of a new family tradition---each Nelson child gets a special outing with just mom and dad on their birthday. So, today, Avery turned two at the Brookfield Zoo. We had a terrific time; here are some fun pictures that we thought we'd share with you:

Avery drove Dan's station's H-3 to the zoo. She thought she was pretty cool, until she was demoted to the back.

Avery hanging out in a bird's nest at the Hamill Family Play Zoo (a new children's area at Brookfield Zoo).

Avery getting up close and personal with a guinea pig. She was confused as she associates the word pig with the snorting farm animal. So, she called it a rabbit, and squeezed it so hard that it squealed like a pig. Then we ran for the door, telling her that it was time for the rabbit to go night-night.

Avery making friends with a goose. Thank goodness for the screen!

A fun end to the day -- a ride on the carousel. She loved it!

Monday, June 11, 2007

Nearly two....

We three are all partied out. This past weekend we celebrated Avery’s birthday with a “park party.” Dan and I were feeling a little un-inspired, so decided to have a casual birthday get-together at a park in Wheaton. We thoroughly enjoyed seeing our friends, and all their kids (which are almost outnumbering the adults!).

Picture: Avery munching on some candy, and giving her best “do I gotta go home now?” look.

Tomorrow marks Avery’s 2nd birthday, and we’ll top off the birthday festivities with a trip to Brookfield Zoo. This will be Avery’s first real-life encounter with elephants, lions, and such. We’re looking forward to seeing how she responds.

What else is new? I had my 15-week doctor’s appointment today, and it went well. The doctor got the baby’s heartbeat, and started doing his “heartbeat head-bob,” as I like to call it. Avery tagged along and did well --- all it took was some chips and three rolls of smarties ;) She shot the doctor a Dorito grin, and said “Hi!” If little Avery only knew what was coming down the pike, I doubt she’d be so cheerful.

And speaking of heartbeats, the baby’s clocked in at 160. Since Avery’s heartbeat always hovered around that number, we’re guessing that we’re having a girl. A totally un-scientific approach, but our best guess at this point. With luck, we’ll learn the baby’s sex at the July 23 ultrasound appointment.

Til the zoo!

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Another beginning

It seems a bit strange to begin a blog by posting a picture of my uterus. And yet, that's exactly what I'm doing. Take a closer look and you'll've guessed i
t...another baby Nelson. This picture was taken on May 11, approximately three weeks after I learned I was pregnant. We were expecting to see a six-week pregnancy, instead, learned that I was ten-weeks along. Obviously, we missed all the cues, and were shocked to see that I was much further along than we originally thought.

Seeing the baby in "live motion" --- limbs moving, and a gorgeous heart beating, was very emotional. To be honest, we walked into this appointment expecting the worst. We were pleasantly surprised, and felt (and feel) hopeful about our odds. For those of you that don't know, women who've had one miscarriage have an 80% chance of a subsequent pregnancy going full-term. After a heartbeat has been seen/heard, women have an 98% chance of the pregnancy going full-term. We're confident in our odds, and God's hand in this, but I'm sure you understand that we're guarded in our excitement. To date, I'm 13 weeks and 5 days. My appointments have continued to have gone well. So, we wait.

As for Avery, she turns two on June 12. Avery continues to surprise us with her antics. She has a zest for life, and moves through her day as if her hair's on fire -- a very, very fitting way to describe her. Her little vocabulary continues to grow. She's identifying colors, and perfecting her animal noises (and nobody does an elephant noise like Dan!). Avery's happiest at the pool or the park, watching Sesame Street, or coloring. She's a trip, and we're crazy about her.

Well, thanks for reading; hopefully we'll be able to keep up our end of the deal.