Saturday, June 28, 2008

Much ado about poo

Yep, you’ve guessed it: this blog entry is going to include all kinds of toilet talk. We’re a week into potty training Avery, and the week has included many highs and many lows. She’s getting it (sorta), and we’re making progress (I think).

It’s funny to reflect on the week. Like Avery, I’ve logged several hours in the bathroom cheering her on, encouraging her to “push” and “squeeze,” and then toggling back to clean up duty, and watching her like a hawk wondering when and where she’ll strike. Gosh, this can be frustrating. Hopefully our little trainee will be a toilet-only girl soon.

In the midst of all this panty glory, Romey continues to grow and grow. She “passed” her six-month well check and is nearing the 8-month mark. Romey weighed in a 17 pounds, 9 ounces, and is 26 ¼ inches long. Romey is still a little sweetheart, and loves to bounce in the jumperoo, and is busy perfecting her army crawl/roll to get to where she wants to go (much to the chagrin of Avery.) Dan and I are betting that she’ll be a full-fledged crawling machine by the end of July. And so the story goes, as soon as we figure out one stage of development, the playing field continues to change. Sometimes we’re quick to adapt, and other times we moan and groan our way through it.

Besides being in potty boot camp, Avery also had her well-check appointment, and like Ro, the doctor was pleased with her stats and development. We’ve got to admit though that it is a trip to see her running around the house in underwear. Wish us luck; potty training is for the birds (as my Grandma Lois used to say)!

Happy early 4th!

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