Tuesday, May 20, 2008


I love it when an ordinary moment becomes extra-ordinary. It doesn't happen often enough, which is mainly because the upgrade from ordinary to extraordinary requires the right amount of perspective and the ability (and availability) to see it.

Here's an example: Avery had her first encounter with a rainbow a few nights ago. To Dan and me the rainbow was "cool, neat--take a look!" Avery's response was total amazement, and complete awe. She couldn't take her eyes off of it, and kept saying, "so beautiful!" It's hard to know how to explain a rainbow to a three-year-old. The scientific explanation wouldn't quite do, and the story of God flooding the earth seemed a little over her head (no pun intended), so we kept it simple: God made the rainbow, and isn't it......beautiful.

And wouldn't you know it.....I was looking through the camera, and a few nights prior to the rainbow appearing, I had taken a picture of Dan reading "Old MacNoah Had an Ark." This picture captures the E-I-E-I-O sequence, and yes, Romey doesn't quite get it yet. And don't we all have moments where we don't quite get it? Yep, that's a whole other blog topic.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Pure Comedy

Most of you know that Dan and I love to laugh. One of our goals with our girls has been to “keep it light.” And by this I mean that we intentionally try not to take ourselves (or our lives) too seriously. Please note: we botch a lot of things up, but I think we might be getting it right in the “keeping it light” department. Take a look, and decide for yourself.

Avery channeling her inner Stevie Wonder.

Avery: "Mom, it's fun to put marker caps on my fingertips. In a minute I'm going to furiously shake my hands and send the caps everywhere!"

Yep, I don't see the resemblance either.

On Mother's Day we dedicated Romey at our church. It was very special and meaningful. Afterwards we attempted the impossible: trying to get a family picture. This is probably the 100th picture, and one of the best. As you can see Romey's had it, and Avery's too busy swinging her hair to smile (or open her eyes).