Monday, November 19, 2007


The anticipation is torturous. We’re entering Week 38, and are becoming more and more aware that Miss RJN is near. Yet, how near? Will labor begin in an hour, a day, a few weeks? So, we wait, and wait, and keep cleaning, and waiting, and sorting, and waiting.

Picture caption: Ave: "Me and my sis are torturing mommy, and loving it!"

For those of you that are wondering, my last doctor’s appointment went great. Everything is checking out, and although I’m not dilated yet, my cervix has began to efface (I know….too much information, right?) I go back on Wednesday, so it will be interesting to hear if there’s been any progress.

By the way, we’ll be trying out all the old-wives tales for labor induction, so if you have any you’d like to share, please do so. My whole family will be in town this week, so it would be an ultra convenient week to have a baby.

Til baby!

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