Monday, November 12, 2007

Week 37

Today marks the first day of week 37. Avery was a 38-weeker, so we’re hoping for the same luck with this baby. If the baby were to come this week, we’re at least feeling ready (as much as we can be). The house is not a construction zone anymore, we’ve managed to do quite a bit of cleaning, and the nursery is set (Avery calls the mobile "planets"). I’m even considering breaking a cardinal rule by setting up our Christmas decorations this week (tacky, right?). So, we wait, and we hate to wait, and are anxious about how this is all going to go down. This is a bit of a different experience since we have Avery to consider. We have some preliminary plans set for her, but how’s it all going to shake out?

In the meantime, we took Avery for her first dental appointment on Saturday (Dan got a cleaning too). Avery took a ride in the chair, got a new toothbrush, and allowed the hygienist to count her teeth (through a partially clenched jaw). Surprisingly, Avery already has her lower two-year molars. We thought we were still waiting for that glorious event. So instead of waiting on four teeth, we’re only waiting on two teeth. Avery hasn’t had a great teething run, so we describe the next round
popping through as something to “look forward to.” The hygienist also remarked that Avery’s teeth looked great, so we’re relieved to hear that perhaps we’re doing an alright job taking care of her teeth.

Dan, on the other hand, didn’t get such great news. He’s got some cavities, and needs a crown. He’s not very happy about it—if you ask him, he’ll probably tell you all about it.

Hopefully we’ll
have a baby post for you soon. Can’t believe that we’re this close—very, very surreal.

Avery taking a ride in the dental chair.

Scoping out the toothbrushes.

Avery admiring herself in the tooth-shaped mirror.

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