Tuesday, December 11, 2007


We’ve “bounced” a little today—just a small, tiny bounce. By bounce Dan and I are referring to the “response to change,” the transition, adjustment, etcetera. We figure we’ll be down for the count for a while, but will relish the moments when our new normal feels normal; when a little rebounding has occurred, and we like how it feels.

As expected, Baby Romey has sent a few shockwaves through our home. Her first few nights were memorable, and long. She granted us a more normal newborn evening last night by just waking for feedings, and then going back to sleep.

Romey’s first doctor’s appointment went great. She’s gaining weight, and the doctor was pleased with her progress. We’ll go back in a week to check in again.

Avery is taking this all in stride. She’s been super, and has shown a great deal of interest in Romey. Avery hates it when Romey cries, and will tell Romey, “Mommy help you. Daddy help you,” in her best 2 ½ year old soothing voice.

We’re crazy about these girls—although right now, just a little crazy. Status for today: treading.

1 comment:

Tallentsfamily said...

Laugh a lot --cry a little--it gets better. Hang on to eachother -TRY (a good word) to not fight with eachother and work together --notice it's advice -we weren't STELLER at it..but tried. Im sure your doing great....thinking of you guys!
Lots of love