Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Laugh it up

My stream of consciousness this morning from 9:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.:

**A "he's in big trouble" laugh**
I’m laughing because today is picture day at Avery’s preschool, and the photographer can’t even possibly know what he’s gotten himself into. I feel terrible for him. He’s going to see this sweet little girl outfitted in a Hanna dress coming toward him, and he’ll think, “Oh, she’s cute, and looks cooperative and agreeable.” And then I’m imagining Avery screaming, “NO!” and knocking over his lights, camera, and other picture-taking stuff. Truthfully, he’ll have better luck catching an attitude look than a smile. I should have clipped a warning to Avery's back. Now I’m feeling guilty. Let’s hope Mr. Photographer has a gifted assistant.

**A remembering laugh**
I’m laughing because my mom was in town this weekend, and as soon as she saw the school picture form she laughed hysterically and it was by far our longest and loudest laugh of the entire weekend (the back story on this is that my mom and dad went with me to get Avery’s one-year pictures taken—it couldn’t of gone worse, and Avery absolutely positively whipped three adults not including the photographer).

**A "glad it's not me" laugh**
I’m laughing because the lady that parked next to me this morning was having a terrible time getting her 1 ½ year old in the car because he was throwing a ferocious tantrum. I’m so glad it wasn’t my turn today to deal with a bucking bronco kid—although it is only 10:00 a.m.

**A "how did I get here?" laugh**
I’m laughing because the pre-school parking lot looks more like a Honda lot. I’m laughing because I’ve never seen so many minivans in my life. Minivans cause me to wonder, “how did I get here?” And, gratefully, although I’m “here” and “here” can be mind-blowingly difficult, I really do love it, and know (hope) that I’ll look back upon these years longingly.

**A "you've got to be crazy" laugh**
Finally, I’m laughing because someone complimented me on my mothering. I laughed at me, and I laughed at her, and I think I said something along the lines of, “Seriously? Ha! If you think I’m doing something right it is because I don’t take myself too seriously; I cut myself a lot of slack; I lower my expectations; and I just try my best. Give yourself some grace.” Good advice—I should take it.

Hope you're laughing. And, if not, I hope it's your turn to laugh tomorrow.

1 comment:

Tallentsfamily said...

IM LAUGHING Because I can't believe you got a MINI!
ugh you didn't!!! I would've given you mine- Im with Dan on this one! I have a mini van and can't wait to get rid of that thing! Ross loves this thing! what the???? I can just see you all loving the mini van with a little basket of organizing your books and items and such.....plus there is enough cup holders to hold all those sippy cups and coffee to make you happy!
Girl im happy for you but REALLY????