Thursday, February 5, 2009

Avery and Jesus, Part 2

Avery and Jesus. Jesus and Avery. Avery’s really interested in Jesus these days, and I could not be happier about it. I don’t suspect I’ll ever forget her “I need Jesus!” moment with the nativity, or her latest cries of adoration. But, just in case, I’m filing this story in the “So I don’t forget” category.

Here’s how Avery’s mind works: “Ouch, I’m about to get in trouble, so now is the time to say it. And I’m going to say it loudly, and passionately, and I’m going to get right in Mommy and Daddy’s face so they can’t punish me. If I say it again, and again, and again, it will break their resolve. So, ready go!”

And what does she say? “I love Jesus! I love him, Mommy and Daddy! I LOVE Jesus! I love him so much! I LOVE JESUS!” Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.

And here’s where I’m stuck: what do I say? I’ve been mumbling something like, “I’m so glad you love Jesus, but it’s not okay to [insert infraction here].”

Avery is such a trip. I’m crazy about this kid, but there are some moments where I feel like she’d be better served by saying, “Jesus, help my Mommy! She needs you so much!”


Farrah said...

OMG!! This is hilarious!! Marcus and I are cracking up! I can just picture her screaming "I love Jesus!" in your face to avoid punishment. :) Really funny!! :)

Tallentsfamily said...

so are we trying for #3- come on feel the pressure thicken! What's another munchkin running around!
Im coming to see you this spring if I have to drive there! I miss you!