Thursday, June 11, 2009


No, we’re not celebrating the 4th of July (yet); rather, we’re celebrating Avery. Tomorrow is Avery’s fourth birthday, and she is our “Miss Independent.”

If you’ve engaged with Avery recently than you’ve certainly heard some of her frequently used expressions: “No, just me!” “I can do it!” "I don't need any help!" or some form of those phrases, “I can do it all by myself!” “Just me, not Ro!” She’s even informed us that she’ll be blowing out her birthday candles by herself, not Ro. Whoa to Ro if she even steps near Avery’s birthday cake. Stay tuned. This could get interesting.

Oh, and if you happen to be at Old Navy and see this t-shirt in a girls size small please pick it up for me. I'll pay you double.

1 comment:

Farrah said...

Happy Birthday Avery! :)

I once had a mother of 8kids tell me that she was glad she had very strong-willed children. She said that her kids that gave her so much fight growing up were actually the ones that walked the narrow line when they got older and the kids who were easier when they were young became harder later. According to her, if you can teach a strong-willed child God's truth and teach them morals and values they will not be easily swayed by the world when they get older. I remind myself of that frequently! ;) Food for thought...