Friday, July 27, 2007

Wickedly Good Fun

Ever take your car in for an oil change, and get the dreaded “we’ve found some other things that need attention” line? Yep, it was our turn again, so that means you are safe for another week.

Truthfully, our “beloved” Pathfinder is going off of warranty in approximately 40 miles so thought we’d get it in for a good ole’ look under the hood. The good news is that they found some warranty type items, meaning that the Pathfinder will be at the dealership for the weekend and beyond. The bad news is that the Pathfinder needs some maintenance line items too (fairly typical stuff for 100,000 mile car).

What Dan and I love is the conversation that ensues with the dealer. The dealer earnestly tries to explain what this and that is, and what it does, etc., etc. Dan and I glaze over (we’re a mechanic's dream). If the mechanic says we need it, we say, “Sure! Cool!” Before I jump on board though, I always call Dan and ask his opinion. Today his answer was perfect: “Susan, does the rotary gerder need to be replaced? If they tune up the flux capacitor will it still generate 1.21 jigawatts of electricity if the Pathfinder goes 88 miles per hour?” This is why I love Dan. He’s so damn funny, and he’s nailed it right on. We don’t have a CLUE (moments like these make us really miss Joel. Joel, please come back to Longford Road!). Too, if you “got” these movie quote references than we’re friends for life. If not, go rent Tommy Boy and Back to the Future—two classics that everyone should be able to quote when the mechanic calls!

Aside from car woes, we’ve had a pretty great week. Of note, the doctor called and confirmed the tech’s positive read on our baby girl; I got to see Wicked for free with a good friend of mine; I quit my “sanity” job because it wasn’t providing me any sanity; and it’s Friday, and Ave and I are cruising around in the red car (as she lovingly calls it). It’s a tight squeeze for now, but we’ll get by.

Hope this finds you laughing up life’s not-so-funny moments. Can’t wait to see what passes our way next!

1 comment:

Rhonda Sisson said...

Hey Guys--
I just had a chance to check out your blog for the first time. I think it's a great idea, but have a feeling Joel would be less enthusiastic. :-) Congratulations on seeing a healthy girl! Praise the Lord for this gift coming soon-- I'm sure the second half will fly.

We're headed to MI for some R&R (with Joel's family, HA!!!) But the lake will be fun. :-)

Drew's finally sleeping through the night now-- so I feel like I'm back in the land of the living. We should get together before your little has you up at all hours! :-)

Talk to you soon.
Rhonda for all of us.