Monday, August 6, 2007

Random musings from a hot mama

The electric bill came today. Commonwealth Edison wants $176, and for once in my life, I will gleefully pay a utility bill. Everyday I am just willing that air conditioner to keep on churning. Like most of you, I hate heat and humidity. It just sucks the joy right out of me, and leaves me in a pool of sweaty crabbiness. Throw some “got to go outside to run errands” into the mix, and I’m raring to go!

I can’t wait for fall---I can already taste the chili and fritos. Don’t be surprised if you get a “celebrate fall” invite from me, because I will be enthusiastically greeting the fall weather with open arms.

How’s Avery? She’s hot too. She’s running in circles lately (literally), and mimicking ever word we say. Talk about accountability. If every word you said were repeated, how would you feel? Sure, you hear yourself say it, but how about if someone says it back to you? For all of the slip-ups we’ve made with her, we are tickled to hear her say, ‘thank you!’ or ‘good job!’ or ‘excuse me’ or ‘sorry!’ It’s terribly cute, and Avery continues to make us smile.

Many of you have asked how Avery’s feeling about becoming a big sister. The truth is: Avery doesn’t get it, and if she does, she’s not letting on that she does. Avery’s enthralled with body parts lately, so we taught her the word tummy, and where her tummy was. We pointed to her tummy, daddy’s tummy, and mommy’s tummy. And we told her that mommy’s tummy has a baby in it. She kind of looked at us like, “huh?” Hopefully in the next couple of months her vocabulary and comprehension will continue to expand. We’re taking her on the “Babies Need Buddies” tour at the hospital too, so maybe she’ll start cluing in. Or maybe she’s in denial, and that’s okay too. We all know from experience that the land of denial can be a pretty cool place.

The car’s back, and it only took $1000 to spring it. Too, they surprised us with a car detail, and managed to destroy our old car mats. Instead of owning up to what they did, they replaced them with ugly dealer mats, touting the name of our least favorite dealer in the world. Call us, we’ll tell you where NOT to go.

All else is well. We’re busy with life stuff, house stuff etc. We’re a little short on good pictures lately, but we’ll hopefully have some soon.

Stay cool!

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