Thursday, December 31, 2009

Year-end wrap up

I have sort of ‘coasted’ on the blog lately. The end-of-year busyness and recent parenting challenges have prompted me to choose loafing instead of writing. I really do love to blog. I often say that the blog is about Avery and Romey for the sake of Avery and Romey. I love that they’ll one day be able to get a better sense of themselves but that they’ll also get a better sense of their biggest fan—me. And, as a side benefit, if you find reading the blog fun, or relatable, than double bonus. I'm glad we can connect in this way.

I have found that with each passing year it’s becoming increasingly more clear that so much in life is uncertain, and with that uncertainty I have to believe that it’s commonplace to ponder what my role will be throughout my daughters’ lives. It’s obvious that I was part of God’s plan to bring these babes into the world but will He also allow me the gift of mothering, knowing, and loving Avery and Romey until I’m eighty years old? I realize this is typical end-of-the-year thinking as we close 2009, and anticipate what 2010 may or may not hold, but, alas, it is something that's on my mind.

So, before the year is over, and since I managed to gloss over a couple big things, I thought I’d do a quick year-end wrap up. Enjoy!

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