Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Another beginning

It seems a bit strange to begin a blog by posting a picture of my uterus. And yet, that's exactly what I'm doing. Take a closer look and you'll've guessed i
t...another baby Nelson. This picture was taken on May 11, approximately three weeks after I learned I was pregnant. We were expecting to see a six-week pregnancy, instead, learned that I was ten-weeks along. Obviously, we missed all the cues, and were shocked to see that I was much further along than we originally thought.

Seeing the baby in "live motion" --- limbs moving, and a gorgeous heart beating, was very emotional. To be honest, we walked into this appointment expecting the worst. We were pleasantly surprised, and felt (and feel) hopeful about our odds. For those of you that don't know, women who've had one miscarriage have an 80% chance of a subsequent pregnancy going full-term. After a heartbeat has been seen/heard, women have an 98% chance of the pregnancy going full-term. We're confident in our odds, and God's hand in this, but I'm sure you understand that we're guarded in our excitement. To date, I'm 13 weeks and 5 days. My appointments have continued to have gone well. So, we wait.

As for Avery, she turns two on June 12. Avery continues to surprise us with her antics. She has a zest for life, and moves through her day as if her hair's on fire -- a very, very fitting way to describe her. Her little vocabulary continues to grow. She's identifying colors, and perfecting her animal noises (and nobody does an elephant noise like Dan!). Avery's happiest at the pool or the park, watching Sesame Street, or coloring. She's a trip, and we're crazy about her.

Well, thanks for reading; hopefully we'll be able to keep up our end of the deal.


Cindy said...

Susan, Dan, Avery & Baby N
I think your blog is a wonderful idea. I have put it in my "favorites" and will check in periodically. Thanks for inviting me in.
Cindy H

First Pres. Youth Group said...

Congratulations! That is wonderful news. I cannot believe how grown up Avery looks. I'll miss being around for her b-day this year.

First Pres. Youth Group said...

Congratulations! That is wonderful news. I can't believe how grown up Avery looks. I'll miss being around for her b-day this year.

Anonymous said...

YEAH Welcome to the blogging world.....Dan Dan...he'll appreciate your efforts...!
Can't wait to hear more about baby N and all about Avery--God she's cute!
Jill Ross Wyatt and Em

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the blogging universe! you will love it.
I have become somewhat of a slacker but still try to blog once every other week. You will like it.. Tell Dan he'll get over it!
Love you guys
Jill Ross Wyatt and Em

Anonymous said...


A huge congratulations from the Meltons! What wonderful and exciting news! We'll keep praying for everything to go well for all of you.

Anonymous said...

Ha! Loved your choice in college picks! Thanks for the free marketing :-) . My daughter-in-law has a website for their family (my oldest son, the Wheaton grad, is her husband), and they are eagerly awaiting the birth in July of my third granddaughter--their first daughter. She will learn lots of fun things from her two older brothers. Just think of what Avery will teach her new little brother or sister! Whew. You guys are the best--love ya--Georgia

Stan and Nicole said...

I will enjoy watching your family grow through your website!