Wednesday, June 20, 2007

A Cornhusker at Heart

Avery and I made Dan steak and sweet corn for Father’s Day. Avery grabbed an ear of sweet corn, and, to our surprise, started munching on it. And, she didn’t do
too bad; she actually got kernels!

Beyond Father’s Day, Dan instituted a new holiday: “Happy Birthing Day” – a mother’s tribute on the day she birthed her child (and for those of you that have given birth or witnessed birth, shouldn’t every day be “Happy Birthing Day?”). For “Birthing Day,” Dan cleaned up the house, which earned him some major brownie points. And, for a guy who is doing life with a hormonal pregnant woman, he can use all the points he can get. If you cross paths with him he might look a little rough around the edges, so have a little mercy on him.

Otherwise, we’re enjoying a little of a
“sweet spot” with Avery. She’s becoming more and more fun, and communication is growing in leaps and bounds every day. Don’t get me wrong --- she’s still our spirited little lady, and can throw down like no other. But, she’s a fun, happy kid, and we’re grateful that she’s got passion. Yes, we’re raising a passionate, class clown. I can already see the future parent-teacher conferences: Dan and I sheepishly walking in the room, toting Godiva chocolates and a bouquet of flowers. We might need to bring Ranger Ray along to help keep the teacher in line ;) (That is, if Ray can figure out what a blog is and picks up this SOS!)

Well, Dan’s walking out the door, and Avery and I will say our goodbyes. Since Avery is a mimic, and likes to imitate what we do, I give Dan a quick kiss goodbye, and then Avery does the same. It’s incredibly cute, and warms Dan’s heart. And speaking of warm, I hope this finds you somewhere cool – the heat and humidity here are brutal.
Have a great day!

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